A Trinity of Uses to calm your Childs busy brain with
Hugs, Scent and Breath practise
Lavenderbuddy is a tool for Schools...

We want to help with the balance of education and mental wellness, with something familiar that is always available to use as a class unit or alone when needed.
Yoga, mindfulness and meditation blocks are fantastic, but we know the budgets are limited within schools, so this tool is yours forever.
Our Lavenderbuddy tool can be used in a class setting to reset and relax within the day and to foster a growth mindset whilst young, to take them on their journey later as it is now set within the sub-conscious part of the brain.
Lavenderbuddy is compact and can travel between classes and a sensory room.
Our product is wipeable and washable for sanitisation purposes.
We have resources available to support the staff to integrate this within the classroom that will be downloadable in an email link when purchased.
Please contact us to discuss any questions or queries and to buy at our special schools rates that are not advertised on the website.
Incensu Registered

Lavenderbuddy is Incensu registered. Incense is the National Register of Education Suppliers, a place that schools can source trusted, recommended companies who have been used and reviewed by other educators. This provides a unique opportunity for businesses to be included in a directory that is used by key financial decision makers within the education sector, opening up a whole host of opportunities.

Lavandula HQ put out a call to the village and someone heard our call! The James Greenop Foundation wanted to help support more Small Soul's in our Community.
They have generously Bought 18 packages/ Puppet show option of our Lavenderbuddy, to be gifted to so many worthy causes and we could not be more Grateful and Happy to see them go where they can help in so many ways!
Russ and Millie came along to HQ to handover the cheque and to pick them up….and of course Mammabear made sure they knew that we do things a little differently round here, but they both enjoyed the mischief of the experience and really embraced the Joy and Hugs that were available (even the purple cosy suit).
The oxytocin was in full flow and everyone’s cup was filled💜💙
The Packages have now all found new Homes and some mischief was had with hugs of course, at our Puppet shows. Joy was brought to a lot of Small Souls on this Journey and we are truly humbled, blessed and so grateful to be a part of this and meet some amazing people!
Come along and follow the Journey of all of the Lavenderbuddy packages over on our community page link on Instagram too which is always updated.
Please also click on the link for TJGF and our other Charities we visited too and see the wonderful things they already do for our Small Souls at present.