A Trinity of Uses to calm your Childs busy brain with
Hugs, Scent and Breath practise

Our Story
Lavenderbuddy® got his name a from a beautiful little girl called Jenna when she was 3 years old (she is now 25), as she wanted a reminder of home and her parents when she missed them. Lavender was her favourite smell that relaxed her and reminded her of cuddling them and having a feeling of being loved, safe and secure. It became her new best buddy to use when she needed it.
Along came AJ and Lavenderbuddy as you see it today was transformed with the then added Breath Points, as a support to guide his breathing when Big Feelings popped up when he had no vocabulary to describe them. A lovely sensory fabric was picked and is used for comfort
Between these 2 beautiful souls is what you now see in its finality. A tool for other children to use, that looks just like any other comforting Teddy Bear
This is their gift to you, paying it forward to other children, from their imaginations!

Aj's story
Aj has his own Unique Neuro Pathways in his Brain and they sometimes Interfere with his daily Joy, so at Lavandula HQ we know that every one of our Smalls are Unique so we will be leaving the Labels just for Clothes,
When these Neuro pathways get overwhelmed, this can also be displayed as withdrawal or anger alongside the physical behaviour, shown to us as a way to communicate. This left him frustrated and his Nervous system overloaded so Lavenderbuddy help to guide him to have a hug, smell him and then use the coloured points to practice long breaths which calmed him down.
Children have lots of ways of dealing with these challenges and some other people, Big and Small are not aware what they are. It can look like bad behaviour, so having the Lavenderbuddy with them away from home in the backpack, means that when challenges arise they know they have a Tool, to help themselves.
Lavenderbuddy can give children a safe space to calm themselves, using the scent of the Lavender and proprioceptive tight hug. This lessens the anxiety and they can use the plush fabric to soothe as well against their skin.
Aj loves using this alongside other support and there is a clear response in a calming affect for him.
Using this Tool can be very supportive for their overwhelm.